Sunday, March 26, 2017

Recommendations Part One


Bdan's Recommendations (Part One)

1. Moonlight (2016) [Cheapest at Redbox]

Moonlight has recently gained a lot of publicity and popularity as of late because of it's Oscar wins for Supporting Actor and Best Picture. While the film isn't one with a large budget or with grand expectations for it's Box Office returns, the film succeeds on a more personal and understated level. The film is a grandiose examination of a character struggling to find acceptance in a harsh environment where he feels completely alone. With the empathetic scope akin to a John Cassavetes' film, Moonlight will grab you.

2. Hell Or High Water (2016) [Cheapest at Redbox]

Boasting one of the most entertaining and gripping screenplays of 2016, Hell or High Water is an excellent modern western. Another film that was helped in popularity by the 2017 Oscar season and also helped by a wide-audience appeal. Taylor Sheridan of Sicario fame writes another captivating story that is directed quite well by David Mackenzie who's work in Starred Up is also great. Chris Pine, Ben Foster, and Jeff Bridges all act very well with outstanding character interplay. This movie is flat-out entertainment.

3. Synecdoche, New York (2008) [Available online rental]

This film is a just a masterpiece, plain and simple. If you have ever seen a film written or directed by Charlie Kaufman then you already know he has a very distinct cinematic style in story and character structure. The overall way he writes and directs is unique and quite enticing to watch. Also like Kaufman's other films, Synecdoche, New York is very thematic and non-literal which may lose some impatient audience members. The film also contains one of the best performances by the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman that is quite upsetting to watch. As a person who has watched the film five times and still discovers new nuances in the film, I think it's worth your time.

4. Amour (2012) [Available online rental]

In keeping with the genre of emotionally upsetting cinema, Michael Haneke's Amour is certainly that. If you're unfamiliar with Haneke's style then this film might go over your head. His films have been described as boring and pretentious as where I find his films engrossing and poignant. I wouldn't recommend this movie without telling you that it might upset you. It's a film that demands your full attention and will stick in your head long after the film ends. Considering Haneke is one of my favorite directors I want to try to introduce his filmography to as many people as I can. While not a very re-watchable film, Amour has a lot to say and says it extremely well.

5. Midnight In Paris (2011) [Available on Netflix/online rental]

This next recommendation totally isn't jarring after the last two, right? Midnight In Paris is a film that I like to call Saturday afternoon flicks. They're enjoyable, entertaining, and well-made films that are great for a good mood. In classic Woody Allen style, the film is sharply written and shot with a very warm and welcoming color palette. The performances are all serviceable and fun with a couple stand-outs such as Owen Wilson and Marion Cotillard. While not a profound film or a groundbreaking, it will hold your attention and you will enjoy the overall experience.

6.The  Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) [Available on Netflix/online rental]

The last film on this recommended list, The Life Aquatic is just hilarious. Comedy films are often not my cup of tea since I find them typically immature and vacuous, but when it comes to Wes Anderson I find myself laughing often. The casting in this film is spectacular from the ever-funny Bill Murray to the surprisingly hilarious Willem Dafoe. There are so many moments in this film that left me in stitches and I found myself surprisingly invested in the main characters arc. If you don't like Wes Anderson's style, ridiculous set-pieces, or expertly handled tone shifts this movie is not for you. But I definitely think you should give it a shot and see if you like something you might've thought otherwise.