Monday, July 11, 2016

Bdan's Top 10 Comic Book Films

Bdan's Top 10 Comic Book Films 

While sitting here waiting for anything of mention to come out in theaters, I thought it should be time for another list. While this one is less daunting than my last list, it still took a couple weeks of re-watching these films and moving the list around many times. And like I said in my last list, these choices are my choices. You may not completely agree with my list but if you have a different one of your own let me know. With all that let's do this thing. 

10. X-Men: First Class

I have to be honest here, I was not a huge fan of the original Bryan Singer X-Men films. They felt a little too serious for me and while I did like X-Men 2, I still think X-Men: First Class is the best X-Men film we've received. The new cast of this film was stellar from Michael Fassbender's Magneto to James McAvoy's Professor Xavier. The film manages to tell a fairly serious story but still being able to have actual fun moments. The origins of these characters felt very authentic and made them feel like actual people with mutant abilities, not just comic book characters with no relatability. This film also seriously has one of the best cameo's of all time; seriously, it's that funny.

9. Watchmen

When I first watched this movie when it came out I didn't like it all that much. It had some cool elements and the visuals were striking, but I never felt a genuine connection to the story. But after recently re-watching the film's directors cut, I found myself enjoying the film even more. I think since I had matured in that time I found the more mature elements of the film to be more interesting and after the comic book film fatigue I found this different story very refreshing. While it is in no way a perfect film, Zack Snyder's visual direction made this film feel so tangible yet so other-worldly it's kind of impressive. If they had executed certain moments a little better then it might've been higher on my list, but it is still one of the best comic book adaptations to hit the screen.  

8. Deadpool

Going from serious tone and themes to a completely batshit crazy character can only be done in the world of comics. This movie came out at the perfect time where, like I said, comic book film fatigue started to weigh me down. All modern comic book films felt so interchangeable. Ryan Reynolds really immersed himself in this role and was the perfect fit for Deadpool. The writing was great and the directing was very well-handled as well. Crude jokes and 4th wall breaking were abundant just from the opening title sequence which perfectly set the tone right out of the gate. 

7. Guardians of the Galaxy 

I was shocked how good this movie actually was. I was expecting a fun space adventure with likable characters but this film was actually so much more than that. It brought these extremely obscure characters and made them some of the most popular modern comic characters due to an amazing script. The screenplay is as sharp as the acting which blew me away. Chris Pratt and Bradley Cooper in particular are at the top of their acting game here helping add to the relatability of their characters. The movie is a fun space romp as well as a sort of touching character story. 

6. The Avengers

I know you're probably wondering why this is so low on my list, so let me explain myself. Yes, this movie is probably the most entertaining from a spectacle perspective on this list, but my list is not just for fun spectacle movies. This movie was the culmination of years of build and it really paid off in an amazing way. The cast working tremendously well together creating seriously entertaining banter. Joss Whedon did an incredible job not only writing the film but directing it too. Balancing so many characters but also making the story feel coherent is no easy task and Joss pulled it off. The only problem I have with the film is that it takes a while to really get going. Other than a couple pacing issues early on this film is just plain fun. 

5. V for Vendetta 

Back when the Wachowski name didn't make you cringe, they helped create this over-looked comic book movie. V for Vendetta feels so original because of the story it tells. A comic book film that has maybe one or two very short action sequences but always keeps you on the edge of your seat due to a very interesting dystopian story with great dialogue. Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, and John Hurt all showcase their amazing talents and really ground this universe in a gritty yet believable way. If you haven't seen this yet, you are doing yourself a disservice. 

4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The trailers for this film had me going in lukewarm. I was excited to see another Captain America film but I wasn't extremely excited. I walked out of the theater completely impressed with how well made The Winter Solider actually was. Of course Chris Evans absolutely owns the role of Captain America like he did in all other films, but this time around he came across much more conflicted and showed a broader range of emotion. Where this film really stands out, especially in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is because of it's interesting espionage-thriller story, and it's incredibly choreographed action sequences. The Russo Brothers really proved themselves with this film and followed up with the great but not as good Captain America:Civil War

3. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Whenever people ask me what the most under-rated comic book film is, I always say Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. This film was released five years too early and if it was released today it would've made millions instead of bombing at the box office in 2010. The cast all seem to be having the time of their lives in this film and all fill their respective roles very well. The films imaculate direction and masterful editing all culminate into one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen and should be seen by everyone. 

2. Spider-Man 2

This film was sitting at number one for a very long time, but I decided to give this the number two spot instead. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films were so revolutionary for the genre and still hold up very well. Spider-Man 2 was the best of the trilogy by far due to it's more personal story. The character of Peter Parker goes through so many changes and arcs in the film and it's all held together by a great performance by Tobey Maguire. The film also has one of the coolest superhero fight scenes with Spidey and Doc Oc on the train. I'm a huge fanboy of Spider-Man and it was hard to put this film at number two, but there is one comic book film that reigns supreme. 

1. The Dark Knight

I know, obvious choice for the number one spot but it seriously earns. Christoper Nolan's epic Dark Knight Trilogy is easily one of the best trilogies not only in comic book film history, but in all film history. The Dark Knight is a incredible piece of film; both monumental spectacle and also authentic well-told story. Christopher Nolan captures not only his characters well but also his themes and his environment. Gotham is as much an important character as Batman or The Joker is because Gotham is the motivational force for the characters. Batman being played by the great Christian Bale is the most believable he's ever been. He's tortured by not only his past but his present. The life of being the Batman is really starting to take a toll on him. When you talk about this film, you cannot not mention Heath Ledger's The Joker. Easily one of the best performances ever put to film, he's absolutely insane, but not in a cartoon-ish way. All those elements with gorgeous cinematography and Hans Zimmer's fantastic score make for the best comic book film of all time. 

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